The English Book of NCERT is divided into two parts, Prose and Poetry. The Prose portion has various kinds of stories and theoretical concepts. On the other hand, Poetry has the rhythmic literature of various kinds.
You can see Common topics under the Prose Subject are The Last Lesson, Deep Water, Indigo, Going Places, etc. While Poetry covers topics like My mother at Sixty- Six, Keeping Quiet, Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, etc.
Here we are providing the chapter-wise NCERT Textbooks PDF. You can read online or download it easily.
You can download All Chapters of NCERT Class 12 Flamingo from below
You can download chapter wise PDF for Class 12 Vistas
Short Stories – Introduction
Poetry – Introduction
Non-Fiction – Introduction
Drama – Introduction
You can download chapter wise PDF for Class 12 Kaleidoscope (Elective English) from below